Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Love to Hate (Exercise)

Honda had a great advertising campaign a few years ago - "Love to Hate" Lets all get together and hate smelly diesel engines.

Well I have high cholesterol, and have to watch my blood pressure, I get regular headaches, have no energy, suffer from depression, I am over weight, nearly 50, and never exercise. I hate vegetables, and love chips. Oh, and I've just given up smoking - which I loved even though it was disgusting and foul and I stank and felt (happily) terrible.

So I bought a step counter. I hate my step counter. It measures how much exercise I do with a target of 21 "exercise units" a week. An exercise unit seems to be about 15 - 20 minutes walking or activity.

The thing is - I have set my sites, in my mind's eye, on looking like a 49 and a half year old Clint Eastwood by the summer, so I have a good stone or more to lose and a lot of effort to put in on the physique, but watching fat camp the other day on TV I realised that its going to have to hurt a bit, I'm going to have to feel the burn, make some effort. There seems to be definite pain, or at least mild discomfort, involved if I really want to make any worthwhile progress, not just towards looking completely unlike I do now, but doing what I quite urgently need to do to protect and improve my health.

So, I've just been for a walk, I walked as fast as I could, tried to jog up the steps, wore less layers so I needed to warm up a bit, (I've become a sissy too as I get older; hat, scarf, gloves, hmm looks a bit chiller out there today excuses) and whilst walking I thought about all of this.

And I forgot to take my ******* step counter.

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